IT Council Information

Technology impacts every facet of business in the 21st Century. The Greater Killeen Chamber of Commerce, through its Information Technology Council, will be leaders in the adoption, knowledge-sharing, and advocacy of the Chamber.
PURPOSE: Provide unique value to investors with technology components to their business.
PURPOSE: Position the Chamber as regional leader in Technology.
OBJECTIVE 1: Create a forum for investors with technology components where they can build relationships that enhance professional development, share ideas, and gain new insights to enhance the productive impact of technology on their organizations.
OBJECTIVE 1: Advise the professional staff of the Chamber on how to best leverage technology.
OBJECTIVE 2: Develop educational programs for Chamber Investors.
OBJECTIVE 3: Develop policy position recommendations related to local and regional technology issues. Serve as a technology industry advocate to educate local and state leaders about the unique issues and requirements of high-tech businesses.
OBJECTIVE 4: Support the attraction of high-tech business to the region.
The Chair of the Advisory Committee is appointed by the GKCC Board of Directors.
The Advisory Committee are 7 members to include:
  • IT Council Chair appointed by GKCC Board of Directors
  • Board of Directors Sector Chair of Communications (Can be same as above)
  • 5-6 members of the Information Technology Council nominated by the IT Council Chair and approved by the Board of Directors. The Advisory Committee will serve in a fiscal year: October-September.
The Advisory Committee will:
  • Identify technology issues that have a regional, local, and organizational impact;
  • Adopt an annual budget;
  • Develop training programs for GKCC Investors; and
  • Plan and conduct meetings of the IT Council;
The Advisory Committee may organize subcommittees to focus on events, meetings, issues, communications, advocacy, etc.
The IT Council are individual representatives of GKCC Investors at Leadership Investor or higher.
The IT Council will meet quarterly or as needed.
Further IT Council objectives will be developed by the advisory committee and any future subcommittees.